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Curriculum Vitae


Michael Edward Sabo


1968 G Road

Prairie Du Rocher, IL 62277

Phone: 314-283-7764



Naval Training Center, Orlando, FL – April 1986. Naval Nuclear Power School

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory – February 1986. Naval Nuclear Power Prototype Qualification

Tallahassee Community College – December 1994. Associates in Arts with Honors

Florida State University – August 1999. BSc. Environmental Studies, Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning



Florida State University – October 1998. Florida Department of Management Services Certificate, Management Program

EPA Section 608 Refrigerant Technician – September 1994. US Naval Operations Support Center, Tallahassee, FL


Military Service:

E-5, EM2 NEC: 3384. United States Navy, 1984-2002


Academic Appointments:

Assistant in Research, Florida State University, 1996 – 1999.


Civilian Employment History:

Pulse Therapeutics, Inc. – June 2009 to April 2019.

Stereotaxis, Inc. – November 1999 to June 2009.

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory – August 1993 to October 1999.

Royal American Management, Inc. – August 1991 to August 1993.

Clearview Apartments – February 1991 – April 1991.

Sbarro, Inc. September 1984 – December 1984.



“Flexible Magnets for Navigable Medical Devices”, U.S. Patent Application 20070016131, G. Munger, M. Sabo, R. Ritter, submitted January 2007


“Variable Magnetic Moment MR Navigation”, U.S. Patent 7,389,778, M. Sabo, R. Ritter, R. Hastings, R. Viswanathan, Issued June 2008


“Magnetic-Based Systems and Methods for Manipulation of Magnetic Particles”, U.S. Patent Application 20150230810, F. Creighton, M. Sabo, C. Null, G. Epplin, J. Wachtman, August 2015


Academic Participation:

“The Effect of Temporal Stability on Biological NMR at High Fields in Resistive Magnets,” Soghomonian, V.; Sabo, M.; Verraneault, R.; Cross, T.A., NHMFL Annual Report, Volume 1, 1997, pg. 183


Presented, “Optimizing a Temperature Control System to Increase the Temporal Stability of Resistive NMR Magnets,” Sabo, M.; Viele, J.; Cross, J.R.; Soghomonian, V., Florida Academy of Sciences 62nd Annual Meeting, March 1998.


Poster, “Development of Resistive Magnets for NMR Applications,” Soghomonian, V.; Cross, T.A.; Schneider-Muntau, H.; Sabo, M.; Powell, A.; Murphy, P., 40th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, February 1999.


“Identification and Minimization of Sources of Temporal Instabilities in High Field (>23T) Resistive Magnets,” Soghomonian, V.; Sabo, M.; Powell, A.; Murphy, P.; Cross, T.A.; Schneider-Muntau, H.; Review of Scientific Instruments, 2000, V 71, N 7. pp. 2882-2889


“Navigation of a Tri-Axial Coil Catheter in a 3T MRI: Measurements of Controlled Tip Deflection.” Technical Report. University of Virginia. Report no. VA/640419/MAE03/103 June 2003


Poster, “Rotating magnetic beads for enhanced drug delivery: Characterization of bead velocity, imaging, and adherence to cellular monolayers”, American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 2017.


Presented, “Design and Initial Characterization of a Novel Tissue Culture Tray for the Study of Magnetically-Induced Rotary Traction of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, Engelhard, H.; Pernal, S.; Gaertner, Z.; Morris, M.; Sabo, M.; Creighton, F.; Frontiers In Biomagnetic Particles Conference, June 2017.


Poster, “In vitro stroke model for evaluating SPION translation and clot lysis”, Levin, A.; Pernal, S.; Gaertner, Z.; Sabo, M.; Creighton, F. Engelhard, H.; Neuroscience 2017, Society for Neuroscience, November 2017.


“A Novel Tissue Culture Tray for the Study of Magnetically Induced Rotation and Translation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles”, Engelhard, H.; Pernal, S.; Gaertner, Z.; Levin, A.; Pan, Y.; Morris, S.; Sabo, M. Creighton, F.; IEEE Magnetics Letters, vol. 8, pp. 1-5, 2017. doi: 10.1109/LMAG.2017.2761818

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